I woke up yesterday with yet another flu. It's not fair - I'd only just recovered from another flu a week earlier. To make matters more stressful, our landlady called to say she'd sold our house and we have two weeks to find somewhere else to live.
"Dear Goddess," I said in frustration, "I'm unable to work because I'm ill. I am forfeiting thousands of dollars on my investment in the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Melbourne this weekend. I've spent a whole day on the phone trying to find somewhere to live that is clean, affordable, and will take a dog. I'm near the end of my tether here. I'm ready for a change of fortune."
I closed my eyes and let my prayer drift into the cosmos. Emptying my mind of worries, for the time being at least, I allowed myself some space for peace. In that quiet moment of "be-ing", of simply sitting in a space of zero expectation, a beautiful answer drifted back to me.
I shared that answer in this week's newsletter, and invited the InnerGoddess gals to share their thoughts here: what would you most like to hear right now?