Monday, August 31, 2009

1 September: Happy New Year!

Here in Australia, it's the last day of winter. From 1 September, we enter a time to stretch, yawn, awaken, reach upward, outward, flex and gravitate to the light.

Our goddess sisters in the northern hemisphere, on the other hand, are saying goodbye to the long, lazy days of summer. Northern sisters are entering the Autumnal phase where days grow shorter and the earth prepares for winter. It is a time for you to cover up, snuggle down and go within.

Either way, 1 September represents a turning point in our consciousness. It is the start of a new year, of sorts. Why wait until the calendar new year, when we can choose to rock into new intentions right now?

What do you hope to achieve in this next stage in the wheel of the year? What do you hope to manifest in the next few weeks or months? Whether you're drawing on the revitalising energy of Spring, or the introspective energy of Autumn, harness both to achieve a long-awaited dream.

What is going to be your "1 September New Year Dream"?


Nishatha said...

My intention for this "New Year" is to redefine what "success" means in my life. I will start by meditating upon Emerson's definition:

To appreciate beauty; to give of one's self, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived -- that is to have succeeded. --Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nirvana Visions and Frugsil Gallery said...

As the days become warmer and longer, I am going to emerge from my cocoon and re-start swim squad, I am going to start surfing (really, how could you live in Queensland and not surf!) I am going to take deeper breaths, I am going to drop my milky sweet tea and go for a spring detox cuppa instead, I am going to polish and buff till I sparkle and shine and I am going to book a date with myself for fun once a week instead of filling my days up with cleaning and work!
I am going to start dating my husband again and I am going to keep the kids up later to enjoy evening at the beach. I am going to eat fresh and read for fun and start finishing things! I am going to find new music that I haven't hear before and embrace a whole new energy :-)

Monika K. said...

I am feeling the winds change here. I'm heading inward to create create create & dream up some fantastic art after a hot summer of playing and photographing this beautiful earth and her sky. Here Autumn begins.
northern sister in Canada