Friday, July 17, 2009

House Protection Spell... Lifted

Thanks so much to everyone who offered their advice. I feel very blessed to be surrounded and supported by such WISE women! After careful consideration of your advice, and conscious digging to my intuitive centre to find my answers within, I've written a release-and-lift blessing so that the new owner can travel her own path and develop her own relationship with the house :-) It feels like the right thing to do - I just had to have it clear in my head and heart that I wasn't lifting the original spell for the wrong reasons ;-) Herewith is the blessing I have written for the house...
My darling house of seven years,
Under your roof we had no fears;
You sheltered us through hail and shine,
And welcomed friends with hearts so fine.

But the time has come to say farewell,
So with gratitude and love, I wish thee well.
In my heart and memory you shall stay
As the home I loved being in, every day.

Now with these words I lift the spell
That kept us protected and safe so well.
What happens next, come what may,
All is in divine order; for the highest good, I pray.

1 comment:

BunnyKissd said...
