- has thought about buying the book but hasn't been able to afford it or access it (for whatever reason);
- understands the books I'm giving away are 1st edition and is a "lite" version of the current edition;
- is willing to contribute some sort of energy exchange in return for the postage of their free book.

A: Add a comment about why you would love this book in your hot little hands. The 12 most creative answers will win a book. I am happy to post them anywhere in the world, so no matter where you live, you are welcome to enter. Make sure you let me know how to contact you if you win! I will be picking winners on 1 December so get those goddess juices flowing :-)
Hello, if after I read the book, my spirit will be as free as the lady in the book cover...... sure I would love to have a book to read it.
You have a very nice blog, will link it in my blog. Ale.
( hope to win one copy)
I have wanted this book forever and haven't been able to get a copy - what a great idea, Anita!
I'd love to do some pink thinking goddess girl energy exchanging - once I've read it, I'll holler about it and share the love of it's contents with all the Pink Ladies who read my site - a great way to keep the goddess goodness flowing worldwide!
Wow, what a generous offer!
I can only imagine what heights my spirit would soar to if the book is as inspirational as this blog. I enjoy reading your post & my only request is that they were a bit more often. :) I linked it to my blog, which is just some ramblings & accountability for myself on some goals that I seem to forget now & then.
I have longed to read your book for a while, but I tend to get my books from a friend or at the library. Easier on the planet & our pockets since money tends to wander into other places faster than I would like it too. I promise to not only enjoy the book myself, but also share it with those who I personally know & wish to read it (as long as they promise to return it!).
Thank you for sharing your energy with us all.
as the others have said... I would love a copy! You can reach me at AlisonMcC920@gmail if I am selected & I can get you my address.
Hi Anita
I would certainly love a copy and am more than happy to exchange energy with you. Would you like $5.00 for postage or something else? Perhaps I could send you one of my Children's books in return, or perhaps even a special hand made tropical Christmas decoration? You tell me how you see the energy exchange happening and I am happy to contribute to your generosity.
You are so very generous and giving. I love that. Thank you for all that you are and do.
Hi Anita,
I'd love to get my hands on your book.
I fit all your critera, we're in way too much debt for me to be able to put money towards much else.... debt's ok for assets but not the credit type that we have!! (I can benefit from the book's teachings too!)
Plus I'd love to share with all the people I work with as well.
Happy to pay for postage, look forward to your reply if I'm one of the lucky
Anita, you truely are a wonderfully caring soul. I would love a copy of your goddess guide. I am open to anything you would like in exchange for it, I would even send you one of my goddess jigglybits tees (just let me know your size).
With love, light and gratitude.
Miss Kris
Anita, you truely are a wonderfully caring soul. I would love a copy of your goddess guide. I am open to anything you would like in exchange for it, I would even send you one of my goddess jigglybits tees (just let me know your size).
With love, light and gratitude.
Miss Kris
I am new to the Goddess site and have not read either of the two books. I would love to read this one to help me better understand myself and the world around me. This book will help me see the world through the eyes of a strong and empowerd woman, so in touch with thier inner goddess.
Dearest Anita, I have wanted this book like all the other wonderful woman for a long time, i am a single mother of 2 working 2 jobs, searching to find my Goddess on many levels. I care for Memory inpaired seniors. I long for balance and my inner Goddess to be heard. I would be willing to make a exchange for a book for a bracelet that i made in Natural stones. Also when i am finished with the book it will go to another woman that longs to find her Goddess. i am in a program with other woman for what ever reason that they are brought there. It is a program for woman to learn skills to make them independent. I will send you a link if you like.
Please may the Goddess Guide your hands to my name. So May It Be..
Elizabeth Leonard
Dear Anita, Your website, your Goddess of the week messages, your chakra oils, and your goddess chakra cards are an inspiration to me . I use the chakra cards and oils every Sunday to focus my week.
I have just discovered Kundalini yoga and this has deepened my pleasure in exploring my chakras. I hope that luck will send me a copy of your book to continue exploring aspects of chakras...especially linked to goddesses.
Thanks for all that you create and share.
I need to embrace the Goddess Within - as a solitary in a patrifocal community my Muse finds creative expression in secluded spaces outdoors, which will soon be snow covered and wind-chilled ~ I would exchange some energy for the guidance along a path tangled and blocked.
Brightest Blessings! Would send $5 US for postage if that's sufficient in coin.
Thank you for letting me vent!
Thank you for this generous offer.
I'm a self employed 54 yr. old lady who is following where my intuition takes me to be the true free spirit that I am and more importantly, to show my 29 yr. old entangled free spirit daughter that it can be done. I am all for raising the consciousness of the humans on this planet, it has to start with myself. Thank you again, and much love!
Greetings! In my patrifocal dogmatic community, my solitary muse finds expression and solace in secluded out of the way spaces outdoors, which will soon be snowbound. Your guidance will show me the means to continue my journey, walk with the Goddess in my daily life, inspired. If we go to socialism, I'll still have the freedom within.
I would send the postage if I'm one of the fortunate ones and healing energy for your move, as I also will possibly have to move out in January.
Brightest Blessings,
A very generous offer Anita!
I would like to win a copy as I enjoyed (very much!!) your Sacred Vigilance. Finances are difficult right now (just as it is for many others) and winning would be a goddess send!
Thank you for the opporunity of trying this competion.
Good luck to everyone. :)
I would dearly like to win a copy of this book as I enjoyed Sacred Vigilance so much.
I would offer as a transference of energy - a healing to our wonderful planet and ALL its creatures!
I wish good luck to all of us! :)
Love is in the air, and the Goddess is afoot... truly I was meant to see your offer so that I can learn more about the chakras and work on cleansing them to restore some harmony in my life.
Thank you for your generosity, whether or not I get a free book I love your spirit that would come up with this idea.
Becca Ramos
I would be more than honor to receive a free copy of "Outing the Goddess Within" This book would be one I would treasure and past down to my daughter as part of our continuation of faith in the Goddess, she would cherish this book because it would remind her of the time her mom won and hung the book above the mantel for all to see and then only on special occassion of night time reading would it ever come down and we would all gather, all snuggly on the bed and read of this special book and create fond memories of special time with mom and her favorite book.
What a fantastic looking book! It combines two of my favorite subjets: Human Energy fields and the Goddess!! Brilliant! I have read a lot of books on chakras, taken several classes on chakras and have even taught a few chakra classes but never have I seen a book that brings the Goddess into it. Indeed never really even thought about which Goddess(es) would correlate to which chakra and how.
I am so glad that a friend of mine saw fit to forward one of your weekly emails to me a couple months back. Now I get your wonderful weekly emails, too!! They sure brighten my Mondays, let me tell you. And I love getting info on Springtime Goddesses when it's autumn here - somehow makes it a little less chilly while I'm reading :-)
Keep up the awesome work and brightest blessings to you and yours.
PS you can reach me at newyew@iserv.net if I'm one the lucky winners and I can send you my address.
Would like to read this book and use the knowledge to help me. I was just dxed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and need to keep myself fit and balanced for the fight I need to wage with my immune system. I also bought your book Scared Vigilance and hope to put it to good use it along with Outing the Goddess Within to keep me going.
Love your site and thanks for the chance to win .
I will send back to the universe my positive energy to help other people like me cope with RA .
Anita, this is a beautiful and generous idea. Like all the other women here, it would mean a great deal to have a copy of your book to share with the members of my Temple.
I share each of your email newsletters with my Temple. We discuss what we feel about the Goddess you share with us in each newsletter, and help one another with living the affirmations that are there. We try to think of all the ways that we can connect more deeply with each Goddess.
I can't purchase my own copy of the book currently because I'm on a very limited income with Social Security disabilty. I could ask the members of my temple to purchase it, but as their HPS, I feel it is my duty to give of myself to them rather than ask them for money.
I would love this book and would read it as soon as I get it. I look a little like the goddess on the cover, by the way. I really want to learn to open myself up and break free from what has been holding me back. I know this book would do help me do that and so much more.
I know there is a goddess in me somewhere!
Hello, my name is Diane and I would love to win a copy of your book. I am an avid reader and love to celebrate my femininity and the "woman within". I would love to set my spirit free and soar on my broomstick. Have a wonderful week and thank you for the opportunity to enter.
By hook or by crook
I would really love this book
The Goddess Guide to Chakra Vitality
would really help my mentality
I want to learn more about myself, my spirit, and my internal being. I think we all have some of god inside of us maybe we have some of the goddess inside of us too.
Karen aka marrid66
Here On Columbia Avenue
4 Cats Make Me Crazy!
Da Boss And Bryguy
I would really love to read the book! I am a recent single Mother trying to learn anything & everything I can to know that one day I'll be like that & hopefully the nightmare will be over!
Thank you for your consideration!
Shell Chatham
Anita- It is we deepest gratitude that I answer this calling for the possibilty of a free book. I love the Awakening Goddess that is blossuming now on this Earth.
I am working on antholgy book project with 44 other women and funds are tied up around the process but would love to exchange the energy when the book is published.
Many Blessing and Good Luck to all my wonderful sisters may this book come to the right persons at the the right time and may they share i's wisdom.
I saw this book mentioned on another blog (dailyblissings) and it sounds absolutely wonderful. I used to own a Yoga Studio & New Age store where we held Goddess Gatherings, Drum Circles and more. I love to add to my library and am expecting my second child - this time a home birth, empowering myself and trusting the goddess to help deliver my little one safely. I think this book would make a wonderful "birth" day present for me - since my due date and birth day are both Dec 15.
I love to review this genre on my blog as well! and think I could use some of the messages in here in my work as a birth assistant to help further empower the goddess within.
I would really like to add a copy of this lovely book to my library. Just the image on the front is enough to inspire and I know many women, with whom I could share the wisdom within its pages. Hoping a copy will be winging its wy around to my side of the world!!
As a single mother of 5 children, 4 of them teenagers,I seem to have misplaced MY Goddess within..... hoping to find me via book?
hi all, the winners have been drawn and contacted... announcements once they've all been confirmed. Thanks so much for entering, it was difficult to choose the winners -- I wanted to give EVERYONE a copy! :-((((
It is really great that you are making this generous offer. I would like to get a copy because i am new to your site and being a lonely unmarried girl with no love in my life sometimes i feel that i am not feminine enough, so i think that this book will allow me to find the 'goddess part of myself'. no doubt it will bring a consolation in my lonely life.
Regarding energy exchange, i will send you Divine reiki Energy for your well-being....
Hope to qualify for the book, but as i have mentioned to send you energy exchange, i wont wait for the book. I wont wait for the bargain to take place and i am immediately going to send you powerful Reiki Energy for your health and for your Year 2009. So feel the Energy and be receptive to it......
I would like to win this book because I am hungry for more information on the goddess and chakras.
I'm a 33yr old mom of four, wife to a disabled veteran as well as disabled myself from chronic pain. I have heard that one homeopathic way to help chronic pain is to focus more on one's chakras and their balances within our lives and bodies. I would like to know/learn how to live a more chakra and Goddess centered life, that I may be a better mother, a more supportive & loving spouse on top of finding myself again without all the pain hazing that current view.
Thank you so much for the emails, blogs, etc. that you do; I am always truly inspired by your postings.
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