Brooding over Steve Irwin’s death earlier this week, I headed outside last night to clear my head and look at the stars. As the Egyptian goddess Nuit is typically depicted wearing a cloak of stars that act as a gateway between heaven and earth, to me the stars represent her divine connection between earth and cosmic light.
As I followed the blazing trail of the Milky Way, the stars seemed brighter than any time I could remember. The clusters and random sprinklings of celestial bodies reminded me of something… a vision of some sort… (Edited for length. For the full version of this article, visit
... But enough of e-Bay and the virtual warehouse of endless items of faith. Unless, of course you want to talk about shoes, then I’m on my knees and praying for all soles.
As I said, I was mulling over the meaning of Steve Irwin’s death, and feeling immensely saddened for his family whom he adored.
Suddenly I was able to make out the vision… the stars were forming a stairway to Kevin -- another larger-than-life excitable Aussie who’s already up there -- Gold Coast businessman “Big Kev” McQuay who was famous for his catch cry, “I’m excited.”
It was then I broke through the weight of my grief with a giggle.
Yes, a giggle. You see, Nuit's esoteric attributes are those of oneness, bliss and universal love. She helps us bond with our planetary family while her cosmic energy acts as our bridge to the realm of cosmic consciousness. Therefore, when drawing on Nuit’s energy, many people experience a contact with a guide, whether by voice, automatic writing, or other stimulus.
For me on this particular occasion, it meant that I was able to receive a message from beyond. It was as clear as a bell and funnier’n my dog eating black-cat lollies.
The message was… “Crikey, I’m excited!”
I just hope this doesn’t mean heaven is a warehouse full of crocodiles…