Dearest Anita~
I understand you probably receive boatloads of emails just like this one - but I must express my gratitude. When I sit down at my computer and see my goddess newsletter, I smile and my heart beats a little faster. It's like a sparkly little electronic gem just for me! As a solitary witch with no coven or circle, your newsletters help to teach me, refill me, energize me and help to fend off the despair and loneliness that often sets in when working alone. I found your site while early on my path and it has been an invaluable resource to me - your posts have inspired much of my work, and helped me to articulate my passion for the Goddess through paint. After I've read your Monday morning letter, my fingers get tingly for my brushes and I fly down the hallway with my hair wild and pajamas still on - and the only cure for the tinglies is to make something beautiful! I understand you are a terribly busy lady and don't expect you to write back, but I just had to thank you for your generous efforts. I am truly grateful!

a free "Affirmation Poster"
courtesy of "Affirmation Goddess" (coming soon)
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