Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The truth behind those rumours and misguided beliefs...

What exactly is goddess? This is as complex a question as time is old. The simple answer is that every woman is goddess. Every action, thought, projection of self, and treatment of others is a reflection of the goddess within.

The more complex answer involves reconnecting with goddess energy, and learning to implement it in our daily lives. It helps to first dispel some of the common misconceptions.


Read the rest of this post at http://igoddess.com/lies-and-misconceptions-at-last-the-truth/

Blissed be!


screwdestiny said...

Great post, Anita. I'm a Christian, and I'm always worried that if I refer to myself as a goddess people are going to get the wrong idea.

Jill Brown said...

Phew! That means I can finally get out my razor and put away my tie dyes! Great post.

AmandaM said...

Thank you so much Anita. Exactly what I needed to hear right now. I've been struggling with trying to define myself and fit some rigid stereotype I have of what a goddess is. You've reminded it's the inner not the outer where the goddess resides.

AmandaM said...

Thank you so much Anita. Exactly what I needed to hear right now. I've been struggling with trying to define myself and fit some rigid stereotype I have of what a goddess is. You've reminded it's the inner not the outer where the goddess resides.