Thursday, November 19, 2009

You are enough

I woke up yesterday with yet another flu. It's not fair - I'd only just recovered from another flu a week earlier. To make matters more stressful, our landlady called to say she'd sold our house and we have two weeks to find somewhere else to live.

"Dear Goddess," I said in frustration, "I'm unable to work because I'm ill. I am forfeiting thousands of dollars on my investment in the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Melbourne this weekend. I've spent a whole day on the phone trying to find somewhere to live that is clean, affordable, and will take a dog. I'm near the end of my tether here. I'm ready for a change of fortune."

I closed my eyes and let my prayer drift into the cosmos. Emptying my mind of worries, for the time being at least, I allowed myself some space for peace. In that quiet moment of "be-ing", of simply sitting in a space of zero expectation, a beautiful answer drifted back to me.

I shared that answer in this week's newsletter, and invited the InnerGoddess gals to share their thoughts here: what would you most like to hear right now?

Monday, November 09, 2009

A Time to Remember

11 November is Remembrance Day in Australia, a time to remember those who have died or suffered in wars and conflicts and all those who have served during the past 100 years.

For the purpose of "remembering", we look to Greek goddess Mnemosyne (nem-oh-zeen), whose name means "memory." She bore nine daughters with Zeus, who became the nine Muses of the creative arts.

In this week's Inner Goddess newsletter, when prompting, "What Would Goddess Do?", I noted that if she were in your situation, she would write her memoir. She would begin by recollecting her journey, recalling both the wonderful and the icky moments in her life, recognising the beautiful being she was born to be, and relearning how to apply her life lessons for a more rewarding existence. In doing so, she would easily recognise her full potential as wonderful, sacred, self-fulfilled being.

I also promised a list of prompts for beginning your memoir. Here they are (from the journal "What Would Goddess Do?")...
  • It all started when …
  • Imagine her surprise when …
  • If only she knew …
  • Her major turning point was …
  • I was named after …
  • My finest moment was …
  • I felt giddy with happiness …
  • In all my life, I never …
  • If it’s one thing I regret ….
  • If I could change things …
  • My epitaph would read …
  • I’m so proud of …
  • When I think of …
  • It was so perfect …
  • Happy is the girl who ...

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Love is Like Jello (a lesson in finding your soul mate)

In this week's newsletter to InnerGoddess members, I told a story about how I found my soul mate. The motto of my story is that...

Love is like jello - the more you try and hold onto it, the more it squeezes out of your grasp.

I also invited members to offer their little gems... When / How did you meet your soul mate? What life lesson did you learn in the process?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Be the kind of woman that...

... when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says,
"Oh crap, she's up!"

This well-known expression made me laugh out loud this morning... so much so I began a list of other things that would make me "that kind of woman." In the spirit of Bast, some of it's playful, but underlying each point is a serious sentiment.

I've started my list here, and would love you to add to it.

Be the kind of woman that...
  • ... takes 'No' as the start of a negotiation, not the end
  • ... isn't afraid to do a U-turn when she's on the wrong road
  • ... knows that today's escapades are tomorrow's morning tea
  • ... is adept at riding the winds of fortune
  • ... chooses her battles wisely; big enough to matter, small enough to win
  • ... kisses slowly, forgives quickly and dances a hell of a tango
  • ... does what she can with what she has in what time she has to do it
  • ... is as strong as the coffee she drinks and the friends she has
  • ... grabs second chances without second glances
  • ... demands tequila and salt when life gives her lemons
  • ... fights for what she loves and against what she hates
  • ... lets the day happen whether she gets out of bed or not
  • ... doesn't believe in bathroom scales or bad-news-papers
  • ... predicts her future by creating it
  • ... brings her own sunshine no matter what the weather
  • ... takes the greatest delight in the smallest of miracles
  • ... loves her body, loves her Self and loves her goddess within
~ Anita Revel ::

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What's Your Personal Vibration Level?

I had another birthday recently, and like every birthday, I reflected on the past year to celebrate the many moments of magic. Inevitably I also find moments I could have improved on through my choices and actions. This is OK too - all in sacred balance, after all!

I do this "annual revision" by taking a "Personal Vibration Quiz" (sent to the InnerGoddess members moments ago). It only takes a couple of minutes to get your result - aka your "Personal Vibration Level" – a number out of 100 that tells you how much potential you are using. It is a measure of the energy you emit as you walk through life. And, it helps you identify areas for improvement.

I invite you to subscribe to the InnerGoddess newsletter to take the quiz also. If members are so guided, you may commit to improving your Personal Vibration Level by posting your result / promise / plan of action by commenting on this post.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Goddess as an acrostic poem

Every day I receive gorgeous emails from InnerGoddess members sharing a piece of their lives with me. This letter came from Janne after she found my story in That's Life magazine...

Over the past few years I have become very spiritually aware and have known that there is the goddess within us which is the one we need to cherish and love to help us grow and become the beautiful caring beings we are. In fact I was meditating some time ago when I came up with a meaning for GODDESS which I feel fits very well and would like to share with you.

GODDESS: Guiding Our Divine Deity Entire Sacred Self

This meaning that came to me just seamed to fit so perfectly so I am so glad I have found your goddess site

Thanks from within Anita, Janne

How lovely is that? Janne effectively came up with an acrostic poem that personalises "Goddess" to her. Can you think of one that describes your connection with the goddess within? Share it here!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Prayer for Beauty (as inspired by Venus)

The following paragraphs are taken from The Goddess DIET, See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days by Anita Revel. Keep this perspective in mind as you say Anita's Prayer For Beauty to help you reconnect with the gorgeous goddess that you were born to be. You can read the prayer in this week's InnerGoddess newsletter, or in the book, The Goddess DIET, See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days.
Getting Real About Loving Your Body
Dove commissioned a study in 2005 and found that out of 3300 girls and women between the ages of 15 and 64 in 10 countries, 68 percent agreed that media and advertising set an unrealistic standard of beauty that they could not hope to achieve. It’s important to remember that yes, models are beautiful, but again, they are only one kind of beautiful. Thankfully the air-brush was unheard of when Rubens, Botticelli and Bouguereau were creating their fabulous works. They have inspired countless modern day works such as Venice Reconstituted at Venice Beach (by California artist Rip Cronk, 1989, pictured left), or Baron Von Lind’s stunning pin-ups, or the alluring burlesque performers that captivate audiences world-wide.

It appears the artists also inspired Anita's Prayer For Beauty that you can read in this week's InnerGoddess newsletter. You can subscribe to the newsletter here.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Disgraceful Challenge

In this week's InnerGoddess newsletter, I included a Prayer for Growing Old Gracefully. It's a really sweet prayer, full of sage advice and common sense. But sometimes the inner cheeky goddess simply must be heard... who wants to be practical all the time, right?

So, I've invited InnerGoddess members to co-create a "Prayer for Growing Old Disgracefully"... for example, your contribution could include requests along the lines of, "may I never forget to pack paper towel in case I spill my cocktail in public."

Comment to add your suggestion to our co-created prayer.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Extraordinary things in ordinary moments

This is a true story. The Washington Post organised a violinist to play incognito in the metro station as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people's priorities.

The questions raised: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognise talent in an unexpected context? The answer it seems, is no we do not.

You can read the story in this week's InnerGoddess newsletter... Please return to this post to answer the question: what have you seen today that is an extraordinary thing in an ordinary moment?

Monday, August 31, 2009

1 September: Happy New Year!

Here in Australia, it's the last day of winter. From 1 September, we enter a time to stretch, yawn, awaken, reach upward, outward, flex and gravitate to the light.

Our goddess sisters in the northern hemisphere, on the other hand, are saying goodbye to the long, lazy days of summer. Northern sisters are entering the Autumnal phase where days grow shorter and the earth prepares for winter. It is a time for you to cover up, snuggle down and go within.

Either way, 1 September represents a turning point in our consciousness. It is the start of a new year, of sorts. Why wait until the calendar new year, when we can choose to rock into new intentions right now?

What do you hope to achieve in this next stage in the wheel of the year? What do you hope to manifest in the next few weeks or months? Whether you're drawing on the revitalising energy of Spring, or the introspective energy of Autumn, harness both to achieve a long-awaited dream.

What is going to be your "1 September New Year Dream"?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Prayer For You

I'm happy to announce that this is a perfect moment. It's a perfect moment for many reasons, but especially because I have been inspired to say a gigantic prayer for all of you. I've been roused to unleash a divinely greedy, apocalyptically healing prayer for each and every one of you - even those of you who don't believe in the power of prayer...
... and so begins Prayer For You by my favourite philosopher and astrologer, Rob Brezsny. The man is a genius, and funny to boot. If you only buy one book this year (apart from one of mine, ha ha), make it this one

Possibly my favourite line is "And please give them bigger, better, more original sins and wilder, wetter, more interesting problems," although my preference changes regularly. I included a couple more of my favourite verses from Rob's Prayer For You in my newsletter this week, with an invitation to InnerGoddess members to share their favourite line / concept here...
What's your favourite line and why? Which words moved you? Which gutsy prose inspired you to action? Which passionate blurbage bit fired the blood in your veins and a song in your heart?

Numerology advice please...

Over the xmas break, we played Kelly Pool quite a bit with our various guests. We didn't have a "14" button in the bottle so used the number "16" button instead. Later, I found the "14" button on the floor of the lounge. So I put it back in the bottle thinking, "yay, now we have a complete set"...

The next day I found the same button back on the loungeroom floor. What the? Thinking it a bit strange, I put it back in the bottle again. The following day, I found the same button YET AGAIN. For the third time, I put it back in the bottle, and this time told Gavstar what was going on.

He went inside to shake the bottle and see if there were any holes in it (apart from the opening!), when he nearly stepped on the number "7" button sitting on the floor. Two days later, he found the "7" button AGAIN. Again, WHAT THE...?

I was reminded of this story when I went for coffee with a friend a couple of weeks later. She got "number 7" table marker, while I got... NUMBER 14.

Please please please, if you are a numerologist, intuitive or just plain insightful, please, give me a clue! What is the meaning of finding these two numbers together?


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Review by Flourish Magazine: The Goddess DIET

This review was published in the winter issue of Flourish Magazine, currently on sale in newsagencies throughout WA and major cities nationally.

Friday, July 17, 2009

House Protection Spell... Lifted

Thanks so much to everyone who offered their advice. I feel very blessed to be surrounded and supported by such WISE women! After careful consideration of your advice, and conscious digging to my intuitive centre to find my answers within, I've written a release-and-lift blessing so that the new owner can travel her own path and develop her own relationship with the house :-) It feels like the right thing to do - I just had to have it clear in my head and heart that I wasn't lifting the original spell for the wrong reasons ;-) Herewith is the blessing I have written for the house...
My darling house of seven years,
Under your roof we had no fears;
You sheltered us through hail and shine,
And welcomed friends with hearts so fine.

But the time has come to say farewell,
So with gratitude and love, I wish thee well.
In my heart and memory you shall stay
As the home I loved being in, every day.

Now with these words I lift the spell
That kept us protected and safe so well.
What happens next, come what may,
All is in divine order; for the highest good, I pray.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

House protection spell.... your advice please

Goddess sisters,

This week, after a long and tiresome process, my beautiful home finally sold and a new owner has moved in. But I have a quandary and I'd like your advice...

Years ago when I first bought the house, I put a protection spell on it to protect it (and us) from harm, and to welcome only those with pure intentions and open hearts. It was a wonderful home to live in as a result, and we only have fond memories of our time there, and of our beautiful visitors who added to the warmth of our memories.

As it transpires, however, the new owner has less than pure intentions, and showed zero compassion or understanding during the final days of the house's settlement. In short, she is the type of person who my house would have rejected in order to protect my son and I. Herein lies my quandary...
a) Do I leave the protection spell in place, in which case she will be protected from nasty people and happenings, but the house will reject her? Or,

b) Do I remove the protection spell so the house won't reject her, but expose her to the potential nasties the house may become subject to?
What do you think? What should I do so that all parties are taken care of and I can move on with a clean conscience that I acted for the highest good of all involved?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Goddess Guide to Chakra Vitality: 3rd edition

Announcing the 3rd edition of the ever-popular 101 guide to chakras and goddess energy, The Goddess Guide to Chakra Vitality by Anita Revel.

Available as a download only at this stage, for $9.95
This edition has four extra pages and:

* expanded guided visualisation (per the Chakra Goddess Guided Visualisation)

* illustrated guide to the chakra locations

* additional illustrations 

It is published by Now Age Publishing, the same publisher who did such a beautiful job on my 10th book, The Goddess DIET

How appropriate that the publisher has chosen my first and last books to wave their creative wand over. The circle is complete :-)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Review: The Goddess DIET

The first review for The Goddess DIET was posted at the Blissings forum this week, by Rebecca Ratliff. Thank you Rebecca!
So I just got this book on Friday, I'm a little over half-way through reading it (this isn't one of those fluffy diet books, you have to actually pay attention to the stuff you're reading), and I must say, I'm loving it! This is really great stuff, Anita. I can't help but already feel empowered by all the things you've written and are suggesting. I own several diet/wellness/health books, and this is definitely one of my favorites. It really addresses the issues that so many don't. If you're not happy with yourself, then you're not going to be happy no matter what weight or dress size you're at. And then, once you achieve that goal, since you're still not happy, you're likely to just put all the weight, along with more self-loathing, back on.

I'd definitely encourage everybody to get this book, whether you need to lose weight or not, just because it has such sound advice regarding your mental state. Thank you, Anita!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Introducing the BOTIBOTO Award. This award recognises women who are Beautiful On The Inside and therefore naturally Beautiful On The Outside.

This BOTIBOTO Award began with the empowerment story, "BOTIBOTO, Beautiful On The Inside, Beautiful On The Outside, by Anita Revel. It is a story of celebrities, body image, and how one girl found her divine inner spark because of it all. Weeeeee!

Paying the Award Forward

Here are some of my favourite bloggers who I think deserve the award also...

Tinkerbell Tinkerbell deserves this Award for her "Life Begins at Forty" post. I came across it on the cusp of my own 40th birthday and it cheered me up no end. It also reminded me about the value of "age" – my wrinkles represent wisdom ;-)

Maitri's Heart I read Maitri's story about why she changed her name, and it's one of those stories that changed *me*! I look back at my own story about when I changed my name and although I have no regrets, I wish I could have been so eloquent as Maitri ;-)

Dr Susan Gregg Susan's toltec related posts are always so dignified, well thought out, and engaging. I recall one post I enjoyed in particular about Shadows.

Pagan Witch In one of her posts, Christine said "if you want something specific, can’t find it on the web, then do it yourself." And indeed she did. Rather than complaining about the lack of a decent writing prompt blog, she just went ahead and created her own.

I love love love the Pink Heels Blog, where women come together to share their personal and professional passions in life. Jennifer always gathers and presents fabulous information on a wide variety of topics from yoga, to shopping, to business.

The Crazy Rabbit Lady is conscientious, crafty, scrappy and fun. I'd love to have half her creative talent... I also admire her courage when admitting to an -ism.

That Grrl Laura is a fabulous doodler who I could have kissed when she invited me to participate in a doodle week... "I would very much like to bring in something spiritual to remind all the Trick or Treaters that there is more to Halloween than costumes and candy," she said. Hoorah! How refreshing to take Halloween back to its original meaning :-)

The Goddess Lady, who is very passionate about women's sexuality and body image. As you will see by her blog, she is also devoted to "being" Goddess in every day life.

The Curvy Goddess is inspiring her UK goddess sisters with her plus-size shopping rants. Honest and entertaining = riveting reading about a very serious issue.

When I was pregnant I did a 4-part course with Deidre (Magical Beginnings for Baby). She gently and wisely brought me back to a place where I could trust my intuitive connection with baby. Lately I enjoyed her post on a diaper-free baby...

*** Know someone who deserves this award? Visit for details.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Adding the Wish Goddess to your blog

I've had a few requests lately from bloggers wanting to add the Wish Goddess to their blog. And why not? She's beautiful, and the wish cards you can create are fun and inspiring.

From personal experience, a couple of years ago I created a wish card with images of a baby, a love heart and the words, "this wish comes true, easily and naturally". I then surrendered the wish to the care of the Wish Goddess, and wa-lahhhhh, through the act of surrendering my wish came true. My beautiful Little Star is now 15 months old and bringing so much joy to our lives.

So anyway, back to adding the Wish Goddess to your blog. If you're using Blogger, here is the easiest way:
  1. Add Gadget
  2. Add Picture
  3. Choose image from web:
  4. Link to

Happy wishing! Oh, and if you want to share your wish card with a beautiful group of goddess sisters, add it here.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Review: The 7-Day Chakra Workout

By Mo Davies

I have been tripping the light fantastic over the past few months by sauntering through Anita Revel’s “The 7-Day Charka Workout”. I love the positivity of this book and I actually think Anita’s a national treasure with her optimistic, uplifting views and amazing range of information about the chakra energy centres in our bodies.

I’ve done quite a bit of chakra work over the years, but none have been so much fun or so informative as this little treasure of a book. I really am enchanted at the range of information that Anita has gathered together for each of the energy centres. Not only that, the different therapies she has included for working your way through from the base to the crown chakras are incredibly comprehensive.

If I sound a bit over the top, I feel I’m entitled to after returning to this book for chakra work whenever I have felt so drawn. I haven’t even attempted to work through each chakra for seven days in a row as I’m not the most organized of people and getting all the suggested gear together for each chakra would be a bit of a challenge. What I have enjoyed, however, is returning to this book from time to time as I’ve felt drawn to work with a particular chakra.

Red used to be a big no-no for me, deeply challenging, and even introducing a red candle into my environment years ago felt exceedingly adventurous. I can now boast that I have red knickers, shoes and a deep red Goddess dress which I feel quite comfortable wearing. I also have a red handbag and all that remains is to find a red hat which appeals to me. Our home is also decorated in rather earthy, grounded colours which again is a bit of a change since everywhere else we’ve lived (yes, we move a lot) has been in blue/purple/green colours.

In my studio I now have a big bunch of brown, gold and yellow flowers, with a beautiful orange stone, and in my wardrobe a lovely bright gold poncho to lighten my life. Blue tones suit me, but yellows make me look like Typhoid Mary so I’ve had to work out ways to bring these colours into my environment as I worked through the Sacral and Solar Plexus chapters of The Workout.
I’m not going to bore you witless with a description of how I’ve worked with each chakra and the changes I’ve made: I’ve concentrated on the base colours as I need to ensure I get grounded . Astrologically speaking, I have nine air signs and no earth signs. Wallowing in purples and blues is a given for me, it’s the grounding colours I need to tango with in to get balanced, and Anita’s beautiful book has helped immeasurably.

I haven’t gone into all the details of the Chakra Workout, because there is just so much information I’d have to keep going to breakfast time. I just want to conclude by thoroughly and very warmly recommending Anita’s book. You’ll have a fine time dancing your way through all of the lovely suggestions. And I hope, like me, you’ll enjoy returning to the book over and over again to refresh yourself and lighten up with all the brightness of Anita’s warm, lively writings.

I’m going to finish with another recommendation sight unseen – Anita’s just released her new book, The Goddess DIET, and I’m betting it’s going to be every bit as uplifting and bright as The 7-Day Chakra Workout.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Mind Body Spirit Festival - Free Seminars by Anita Revel

** Dates and times are announced for Anita Revel's free seminars at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in MELBOURNE:
  • Friday 5 June, 1.30pm: "Reconnect With Your Inner Goddess" FREE VOUCHERS FOR ALL ATTENDEES
  • Monday 8 June, 1.30pm: "The Goddess DIET, See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days" BOOK LAUNCH
** Dates and times are announced for Anita Revel's free seminars at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in BRISBANE:
  • Friday 26 June, 10.30am: "Reconnect With Your Inner Goddess" FREE VOUCHERS FOR ATTENDEES
  • Saturday 27 June, 2.30pm: "The Goddess DIET, See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days" 

Come and join in the fun, meet the author, and re-ignite that spark you've got lying within :-)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Goddess DIET,
See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days

Oh my book, my beautiful book, The Goddess DIET (See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days) has been despatched to the printer. 

Four years in gestation, estimated date of birth: mid-May, in time for the launch at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Melbourne on 5-8 June this year. She will be made available earlier to those who have registered for pre-release news at

Here's the official blurb:
Foodies rejoice! No more dangerous dieting; no more trash talking; no more self-loathing…

When Anita Revel lost her libido, her self-respect and her aspiration to get another season out of her bikini, she embarked on a life-changing process to find her goddess within. In creating The Goddess DIET, she found dozens of Daily Intentional Empowerment Tools to realign her physical, emotional and spiritual behaviours for holistic well-being.

The Goddess DIET works because it connects the three crucial relationships between body, mind and spirit for a healthy self-esteem. Lose your inner critic, gain more energy and fall in self-love.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Prayer for the Inner Goddess

This week I invited my InnerGoddess members to help me out with a bit of focus testing... I value their opinion and asked for their advice / feedback / constructive criticism on a Prayer to the Inner Goddess. The prayer is intended for use in The Goddess DIET (See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days), to precede the "Enlighten-Up" chapter.

This post is where I've asked the members to add their feedback and comments. (To read the prayer, you must be a member of Inner Goddess group... join here.) Thank you for your time and comments :-)

Money Angel

I got tagged with this "money angel" last week. I had to laugh because this vision is not an angel - she is actually the goddess Sri Laxmi.

But seeing as Sri Laxmi is a goddess associated with prosperity, (and we could always benefit from putting positive intentions for abundance out there), I thought I'd give the tag-email a facelift. What do you think?


From the infinitely annoying fear-based viral email:
this is a money angel Pass it to 6 of your good friends, or family and be rich in 4 Days. Pass it to 12 of your good friends or family and be rich in 2 Days. I am not joking. You will find an unexpected windfall. If you delete it, you will never know! SHE REALLY WORKS!!
To a sincere blessing for prosperity:
This is Sri Laxmi, goddess of abundance. She helps those who are diligent and take pride in their work. She will help you manifest wealth through personal diligence, generosity and pure intention. Know that you deserve abundance and that it will come. Ask for what it is you 'need', (this is different to 'want'), until your wish is fulfilled.
Sri Laxmi is my goddess of the week - subscribe to my newsletter to receive more information about her.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Praise for The Goddess DIET

As I edge closer and closer to completing The Goddess DIET, See a Goddess in Mirror in 21 Days, the testimonials are starting to come in. Here's a sneak preview...

For a delightful, inspiring feast for the senses, tuck into Anita Revel's brilliant new solution to weight loss that works. Brimming with fun, wit and compassion, Anita will inspire you to step into the beautiful body that is your birthright. Anita is the cheerleader you have been waiting for! Regena Thomashauer (aka Mama Gena), founder of Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts.

Written with her usual blend of wit and wisdom, Anita Revel cuts to the core of the matter and gives you everything you need to get your inner goddess fit, feisty and fabulous. This book is stuffed with sound advice, illuminating stories and womanly wisdom. Dr Sharon Turnbull, author of Goddess Gift: Discover Your Personal Goddess Type.

Oh my Goddess!!! She’s at it again... passionately transforming the lives of every woman, sister, mother, daughter, niece, aunt and nanna in her path. It’s no doubt that The Goddess D.I.E.T. is an amplified offering
of Anita Revel’s “go get ‘em” energy.
Maria Elita, author of The Miracle.

The Goddess D.I.E.T. provides an intriguing roadmap to reveal the sassy, powerful and divine goddess in us all. It serves up a delightful combination of insight, inspiration and ideas to reveal your best you. A must for those seeking a dose of all three! Kristen Schuerlein, founder of Affirmagy.

Reframing the word “diet” is like reframing the word “fat.” It feels like swimming upstream. But Anita Revel reminds us that understanding the body/mind/spirit connection is essential on the path of self-love. She provides usable tools and light-hearted insights to assist us in restructuring and reframing our self-perception, encouraging us to remember that we are all already beautiful and our own self-view is all that needs shifting. Recommended reading for all present and future self-proclaimed goddesses. J. Alison Hilbert, author of Change the Way You See.

Choc full of sensational slimming suggestions! The Goddess D.I.E.T. will be both fun and effective for all who apply it. Inna Segal, creator of Visionary Intuitive Healing® and author of The Secret Language of Your Body.

The word diet is loaded with expectation, fear and loathing, but Anita Revel’s Goddess D.I.E.T. is not a stereotypical program. Instead it is a total mind-body-spirit plan to re-awaken, re-energise and re-vitalise you and your life, to shrug off toxic thoughts, lethargy – and kilos – and uncover the goddess within. Change your thinking to reveal a new, healthier, more confident and vibrant you, with the energy to achieve everything you dream of and the passion to let your true self shine. Serene Conneeley, author of Seven Sacred Sites: Magical Journeys That Will Change Your Life.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Your advice please...

I'm preparing my book, The Goddess Guide to Chakra Vitality, for its third print run. Yes, I'm up to the 3rd edition ... that this book has sold-out twice is exciting beyond words. 

I'm planning to update this edition to include new innovations (such as the free, online Chakra Goddess Oracle ... but rather than only include things that I think are important, here is my shout out to ya'll to let me know what you think needs updating...

Please "comment" to add your thoughts. Planning to send this edition to print by the end of this week though, so be quick!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Goddesstrology: the iPhone app

At last - the Goddesstrology iPhone app is born. It's only a lite (= free) version at the moment, but still worth looking at.

Download from the iTunes store here ... Tweet it here

Monday, February 23, 2009

BOTIBOTO... shhhhh pre-launch secret women's business

Woo hoooooo, another long-term project is nearing completion. This latest creation is an empowerment story for well-rounded women, called BOTIBOTO (Beautiful On the Inside Beautiful On The Outside)

The launch date is yet to be set, but I can forewarn you about one thing:

The eBook will retail for around $12.95, but InnerGoddess members will be able to contribute whatever they like for it. Whether they think a fair energy exchange is $1 or $50, they'll be able to offer whatever they think is fair for the story by Anita Revel and stunning illustrations by Sally Grant.

Monday, February 02, 2009

50 year forecast: women healing the world

"My sense is that in the next 50 years there will be circles of women all around the planet who will be trained to ... heal the damage that has been done to the spiritual body of the world, and then they can activate it and re-energise the world."

This is a prediction made by Llewelyn Vaughn-Lee, contemporary Sufi teacher, in a speech about Women and the Healing of the Earth, that he made in New Zealand in 2007. My initial reaction was, "Fifty years? It's already happening!"

Listen to the entire inspiring speech here, then comment here. Are you a part of a women's healing circle that is already healing the planet? Do you want to start a circle? Shameless self-promotion of your group's work is welcome here.

Monday, January 19, 2009


In my newsletter this week, I invited InnerGoddess members to offer tips, advice, affirmations and stories about how they "receive", whether it's receiving a compliment, attention, special treatment, favours or material goodies...

The five most creative answers win a memory-bracelet as recognition of their wonderful skills in receiving.

I look forward to lots and lots of entries being made here this week! If you're keen to enter for a chance to RECEIVE this gift (valued at $40), subscribe here. Even if you're not inclined to enter, please do comment on which tip, tool or story is your favourite so as to help me pick the winners ;-))) Winners will be picked at the end of January.

Love, Anita

Monday, January 12, 2009

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nooooo, it's a...

Oh boy I love my job, especially when i come up with these brain-waves... the latest creation this week is the GODDESS BRACELET...

Oh but is it just a bracelet? Nooooooooo!

It's a clever disguise for something else... Click here to find out what it is.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

free e-Course for emotional and spiritual well-being

The study of chakras dates back many centuries, and as such, they are considered an integral part of holistic health. The major chakras are often described as ‘spinning wheels of light’ or ‘electromagnetic aura fields’, or even ‘inverted vortexes’ that run along your meridian from the base of your spine to the top of your head. But whatever their form, by consciously working with your chakra energy and the issues that relate to each zone, you should be able to bring your life into balance and experience a deep sense that all is right with your world.

I particularly like working with chakras because they aren’t a belief system that has rules for right or wrong. For me, working with chakras is a way to bring myself back into my body and into my authentic power. That is, in listening to my body and my intuition I can reclaim my power and responsibility for my choices based on where my innate wisdom is guiding me (as opposed to what guilt, conditioning, ‘God’ or my mother is telling me to do.)

Seeing as seven is the sacred number in the case of chakras, I developed The 7-Day Chakra Workout focusing on one chakra and a relevant life aspect per day. This information is now available in a summarised format as part of a free e-Course.

The e-Course is delivered in 12 instalments on a daily basis. Once you've read and understood the theory you are free to "do" the workout on a schedule to suit yourself. If you have done the e-course I would love your feedback here!


Sunday, January 04, 2009

My Predictions for 2009

Dear goddess... 2009 is upon us. I am calling this year my "year of manifestation." It is the year that I intend to share fully all the gifts and talents I've been cultivating. I have such a strong feeling that you also are on the cusp of something amazing that I am compelled to offer you my predictions for 2009. I'm sharing these with you because they involve you...

You ready? I predict that, this year:

* You'll fall in love... Yes, finally, the most incredible LOVE will encompass you. You'll have a sense of "arrival", that you have finally found THE ONE. This will happen at precisely the moment that you look into a mirror and recognise the goddess in the reflection gazing back at you.

* You'll become rich... Yes, you will find money in your wallet, you will be able to afford little luxuries (and big!) and you will be able to pay your bills without any stress. This is because you will learn that money is simply energy, and the more you allow it to flow the more it flows in abundance back to you.

* You'll lose weight... Yes, suddenly that pre-baby wardrobe is looking like an option again. That favourite pair of pants is coming out for another season. That dress that makes you look hot hot hot is coming our for another trot trot trot. This is because you will look in the mirror and lose your attachment to any feelings of ugliness, unworthiness and un-sexiness. As you gain self-acceptance, you will lose your baggage.

There's more... maybe I'll continue with my predictions in next week's newsletter. In the meantime, make your own predictions for 2009 by hitting the "comments" button below.
